Manicure in Higina SPA
Nowadays many professionals in this field are ready to help you to transform your fingers, that`s why exquisite manicure and pedicure became available to any person, and the process itself turned into a relaxing procedure.
Female | 40 min. | 120 uah. |
Manicure male | 40 min. | 130 uah. |
Manicure for children | 20 min. | 80 uah. |
Unedged manicure | 50 min. | 100 uah. |
Manicure biogel | 70 min. | 320 uah. |
French manicure | 60 min. | 190 uah. |
Hardware manicure (female) | 60 min. | 180 uah. |
Hand paraffin treatment | 30 min. | 120 uah. |
Hand care “Express sauna” | 30 min. | 140 uah. |
Pedicure (children) | 40 min. | 100 uah. |
Hardware pedicure (female) | 70 min. | 270 uah. |
Hardware pedicure (male) | 70 min. | 300 uah. |
Foot paraffin treatment | 30 min. | 140 uah. |
Foot care “Express sauna” | 30 min. | 160 uah. |
Gels / Coatings
Coatings with ORLY gel FX based on vitamins (for hands) | 70 min. | 260 uah. |
Coatings with ORLY gel FX (for legs) | 100 min. | 250 uah. |
Coatings with ORLY gel FX based on vitamins | 40 min. | 170 uah. |
ORLY gel FX removal | 25 min. | 50 uah. |
F.O.X bio gel pedicure | 100 min. | 320 uah. |